To Provide the Services and
Resources to Support Those
in Need in Our Communities.


Your donations will get to needy. 

— Our Mission

SOOF is dedicated to improving the living conditions of individuals and families across Nigeria through increased access to healthcare, education, wealth creation and economic sustainability.

Who We Are

The foundation was established in 2007 and officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Nigeria in 2015 to address the growing challenges in Nigeria, and Edo State. Although significant success has been achieved in some areas, such as reducing communicable disease, the people of Nigeria are still faced with a number of devastating challenges, from insufficient access to clean water and sanitation facilities, to inadequate access to healthcare and medications, to a lack of formal education and literacy development. Our focus areas address these challenges as well as the potential for long-term positive improvements that result in better lives for the people of Edo State. This includes the following assumptions and intentions:
  • To set Edo State as a model for replication for other small and larger scale economic and social impact initiatives. This model will address and mitigate poverty through a series of effective strategies and expectations.
  • Societal assessments to identify strengths, weaknesses, challenges and untapped opportunities around Edo State, prioritizing pressing problems in need of immediate solutions as well as long-term development strategic plans.
  • Address ongoing and systemic health crises, in addition to Covid, to ensure not only a healthy society but also to reduce the cost burden of caring for chronically ill individuals suffering from communicable and non-communicable disease, primarily HIV/AIDS.
  • Opportunities and education targeted to the youth of Nigeria, which consists of 60% of the community under the age of 30.
  • Development and engagement of Nigerian-led organizations and businesses to expand the potential to mitigate identified challenges and to create economic opportunities.



  • Improve healthcare in local communities and the larger society;
  • Enhance the quality of Education for children and young people;
  • Alleviate poverty through humanitarian activities; and
  • Create Economic sustainability through wealth creation.

Target Areas

  • Health
  • Education
  • Community Development
  • Economic Sustainability

— Our Vision

The Sergius Oseasochie Ogun Foundation (SOOF) is a private, not-for-profit initiative driven by Honorable Sergius Oseasochie Ogun and his family to enhance the social wellbeing of individuals in the society. Through SOOF, we seek to create a society in which all residents have access to the basic necessities of living, according to the Human Development Index. Our desire to improve the lives of our neighbors and friends is built upon and will leverage our four pillars of service and development – Health, Education, Humanities and Economic Sustainability – which will help to build capacity and support the less privileged in our communities.


Communities helped


Individuals distributed

30,000T +

Food Provided

— Scope of Activities and Services

The following service areas provide the background upon which our programs and interventions have been geared.
  • Health
    • Medical equipment.
    • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary care improvements.
    • Access to medicine and clinical care.
  • Education
    • Development of  ICT Centers.
    • STEAM programs for youth.
    • Leadership training.
  • Community Development
    • WASH projects.
    • Housing development.
    • Development of Student Hostels.
  • Economic Sustainability
    • Entrepreneurships.
    • Small and medium scale business development.
    • Agricultural development.


— Partnerships and Collaborations

We are responsive to important development participants and organizations that are actively involved in our target areas; furthermore, we seek and encourage partnerships and collaborations that expand our interventions. We intend to upscale our interventions from providing basic primary healthcare facilities and services, educational materials and humanitarian interventions; to providing tertiary and improved interventions that support development. It is our desire to bridge this gap by establishing a plethora of collaborative partnerships geared to achieve maximum impact, widespread capacity building and human capital development.

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